
a few snapshots while leaving the place behind hardly a place remains close to heart unless it gives birth to new words she was not ready for a new story but sometimes fate changes the destiny and then one knows how nothing can be planned since life will move on as it is meant to... Continue Reading →


  Left in my virtues are your vices moments of unwashed memories I sit on a brown mountain in search of fleeting clouds which once brought the rains You are somewhere in a desert a barren mind of a writer in search of a white river meandering to meet the poet's solace I pick clips... Continue Reading →

I Am No Goddess…

A fire burning my essence and scattering ashes of unknown stories that fade within dreams are no more dreams but desires of long lost destinies that could have been my own I walk on tales sang by the witnesses of my own land in which they demarcate my roles sometimes a deity and sometimes evil... Continue Reading →

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