Love Swing

  Garlands of jasmine weaved around the swing which they made for our love night we held each other as the soft breeze moved us to and fro between several worlds did we choose each other or were we born to find our own souls which detached at some point in the flow of life?... Continue Reading →

Dreams in Mirrors

A digital art. Colours have magic and when they are put into patterns and shapes they create a different space. Illusion is a game of the subconscious but that can be created by colours too. The right blend of colours can create sharp edges, warm effects and illusions! I love creating them. Ani...

Your Touch

A butterfly touches my skin each dawn when I water my garden full of dahlias, roses and other beauties that were once born my feet dances in a tune only I hear and I see my flowers go in a trance, such moments turn away my fears and comes the tiny wings to touch my... Continue Reading →

Eve Valentine

A woman of dreams walking on floor full of rose petals that the man has chosen from his own garden of love on a day called Valentine she looks at her feet adorned with a soft carpet of flowers and silent sighs of emotions blooming with each step she takes they know each other since... Continue Reading →

Flowing Love

Not terrorism, it is mere killing of fears instilled in the hearts of those human bombs now busted bombs and none is alive to witness their pains since whoever made them is sleeping in a furnace of irrational intellectual dilemmas. Like tsunami they come in breaks of years to remind us how futile life is,... Continue Reading →

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