Dewdrops Karma

Karma is a loving soul, it cannot let anyone go without something. If there is goodness then there is good fortune and if someone nurtures sorrows or negative feelings for others then that come back to them too. Yet no one understands while on the journey of action why Karma awaits at the end line. Who is Karma?


A part of our own selves or an external factor that revolves around our own consciousness. And gradually we reach the results of our own actions, just like mathematics calculation. If you add three to five you would definitely get eight. And numerologically eight is number for Karma.


Keeping all these in mind how can then someone be spontaneous. To act you must think since Karma is waiting. Does life flow with so much breaks ? ‘Unless I am sure I am doing the right thing, I should not do that… should I do that thing which might be wrong…’ The question is who decides the right and wrong. What is the rule book ? The answer is, no one knows. Everything depends on perspectives and that too of the ancient, medieval and the contemporary world. With time these versions evolve too, adding to the branches of rights and wrongs. Such a complicated theory to thrive on!


However don’t get carried away yet for Karma is just outside your own mind, silently waiting to surprise you for your own actions, reactions and demands. I believe in its existence, it’s upto you how you would look at it. I see it as crystal clear tiny droplets of dews on morning green leaves, all around a garden.

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