Dewdrops Karma

Karma is a loving soul, it cannot let anyone go without something. If there is goodness then there is good fortune and if someone nurtures sorrows or negative feelings for others then that come back to them too. Yet no one understands while on the journey of action why Karma awaits at the end line.... Continue Reading →

M. Police

Who? Who is a moral police? I never heard of any. Or perhaps I have not heard yet; while some humans are lurking around just to take a leap as soon as I make a moral-mistake... And what is a moral mistake? I am never taught anything about it. And why not? - My grandmother... Continue Reading →


a few snapshots while leaving the place behind hardly a place remains close to heart unless it gives birth to new words she was not ready for a new story but sometimes fate changes the destiny and then one knows how nothing can be planned since life will move on as it is meant to... Continue Reading →

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